Friday, September 08, 2006

Lost Weekend

Whoa! Where did the last week go??

So I took the challenge on day 16 and worked my bum off at the gym. As promised by my unofficial trainer, Jean, I was in pain 2 days later.

However some of that might have been due to the 5 story climb to the apartment we were staying at. I really should move to NYC and find a top story apartment with no elevator. I'd never have to work out again.

I did spend the long weekend walking a ton, climbing the aforementioned stairs a few times a day and dancing a ton, so at least it wasn't a sedentary beach vacation like Mexico was. I'm going to try and pick up where I left off, at day 16 and make tomorrow day 17 so I'll be getting up to run in the morning.

I've really got to push myself tomorrow to get ready for the 5k on Sunday. My pal Cindy is also feeling woefully underprepared, so we'll be buddies in the race and straggle along behind, together.


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