Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I love the gym! (day 7 continued)

So I made it to the gym yesterday, and even though I thought it was going to be really scary- it wasn't scary at all!

I have always had an affinity for the city gyms. They're 'Recreation Centers' and they really are community centers, where people from the neighborhood hang out, gossip, take classes, and meet up.

Signing up was easy and the ladies at the front counter who took my picture for my gym pass complimented my smile. I was a bit confused about the machines, but this really helpful guy taught me how to use the machines, how to add weight and how to change the positions of the machines to work out different muscles. He used to be a trainer at Bally's and he works out at the gym just about every day and told me that I should feel free to ask him if I have more questions.

I was only able to stay for 1/2 an hour as I'd misread the hours online, but that was enough time to try all the training exercises in the book and end up with a little soreness in my super weak arms. Next time I'll know how to use all the machines and be able to complete the 3 sets.

On my way out a lady I'd never met told me about a good deal at the Dollar Store on makeup! I love good deals, and I love the gym!


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