Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Great Press!

The Rocky Mountain News wrote about 30 Days and even quoted Jessica's blog!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

day 18

So I didn't make it to the gym on Saturday, mostly because I was tempted by one of my favorite bands, Slim Cessna's Auto Club to stay up a bit later than usual, resulting in my sleeping in later than I planned.

However I pushed myself really far on Sunday. I ran the 5k for the inaugural AIDS run. I did alright for the first mile, and ran it in just over 11 minutes, but after that I wogged a lot of the remaining two miles. I'm just pretty darn proud that I made it to the finish line- and wasn't last!

The rest of the day was packed (baby shower, burlesque lecture, practice) and all I wanted to do is lay down for a nap throughout the busy day. I did get to sleep fairly early and after a good night's rest, my legs are pretty tight this morning, but I'm feeling pretty good.

That said, I am really, really glad today is a rest day!

In other news, I've lost 5 pounds! I noticed in New York that my costumes were fitting better, or were a little loose. It's amazing what just getting off my bum a few times a week will do! I have luckily got my dad's super swift metabolism, so even a bit of activity really kickstarts it.

My challenge today is to give up my top 2 food vices. I'm kind of stumped. I eat pretty healthy, even when I go out. I guess giving up dairy for a little while wouldn't hurt. I gave up milk (except in the occasional coffee or tea), but I've been indulging in a lot of cheese lately. So dairy will go and......umm.....I guess sugar? I've been really good, though I do sometimes catch myself putting a spoonful in my tea. So dairy and sugar go....as soon as I finish my mac'n'cheese lunch!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Lost Weekend

Whoa! Where did the last week go??

So I took the challenge on day 16 and worked my bum off at the gym. As promised by my unofficial trainer, Jean, I was in pain 2 days later.

However some of that might have been due to the 5 story climb to the apartment we were staying at. I really should move to NYC and find a top story apartment with no elevator. I'd never have to work out again.

I did spend the long weekend walking a ton, climbing the aforementioned stairs a few times a day and dancing a ton, so at least it wasn't a sedentary beach vacation like Mexico was. I'm going to try and pick up where I left off, at day 16 and make tomorrow day 17 so I'll be getting up to run in the morning.

I've really got to push myself tomorrow to get ready for the 5k on Sunday. My pal Cindy is also feeling woefully underprepared, so we'll be buddies in the race and straggle along behind, together.