Friday, August 18, 2006

Reading the instructions is helpful. (day 3 continued)

One of my father's favorite expressions is, "Did you ever hear about the little girl who couldn't afford to pay attention?"

I guess I was a bit short on cash yesterday, because I failed to notice that my run should occur on day 4- that's tomorrow. Duh.

Tomorrow will be much easier to fit in a run- it's a Saturday and I've got stuff to do, but they're all loose plans.

So today I need to figure out my resting, maximum and resting heart rate. It involves a bit of math, which I'm not a big fan of, but I'll suffer through ;)

Resting= 78
Maximum= 193
Target= 154


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has been fun reading. My running caused a problem with my siatic nerve, not knees. How did they have you figure your maximum heart rate? Where can I find this book, I would be interested in reading it. Also, in my professional Physical Education opinion, I am not sure your target heart rate should be as high as 80% when starting out. But that is just your dad.

9:42 AM  

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