Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Why I'm taking the "30 day" challenge

In the introduction of "30 days to get back in shape" author Michelle Theall defines the phrase, back in shape:
"Back in shape implies that one was once 'in' shape."

I was once in shape- I didn't own a car, so I biked everywhere, I was a really healthy vegetarian who cooked for herself and hardly ever went out to eat, and I did fun, active things like swimming, taking boxing lessons and walking for miles around Denver.

That was back when I lived downtown and was still attending CU Denver. Though I worked and went to school, I seemed to have a lot more time to myself- more time to stay "in shape".

Now I have a full time job, a commute, I write for a local paper, I'm a published author, I'm working on a new book, I run a dance troupe, I make costumes, I often perform once a week on top of producing bi-monthly shows for my troupe, I'm taking singing lessons and I have a house on a 1/2 acre plot of land. It's a little insane and definitely doesn't easily allow for a lot of physical activity.

I've tried numerous times to get myself back on a path to fitness. I know that I need to stick to something for longer than a week so it becomes a habit- but I can't seem to get myself to do that. Generally I join a gym, go a couple of times, and then forget about it. I find a new fun exercise video and even if I love it, I know it'll soon be collecting dust on the shelf. Last fall I started getting up early, heading to the park and jogging- it was wonderful, watching the sunrise over the lake, enjoying the quiet, but as usual, I stopped after a total of 5 or 6 jogs.

What I'm hoping this book and this blog will do is to give me a reason and a constant reminder to stick with it. I'm hoping people will read this blog and comment, encourage, and if I slip, I hope you'll feel free to get on my case. I need that- I want that. And I want more energy, I want to stop feeling so resigned to letting my body go south, and I want to fit into all the cute clothes hanging in the "when I slim down" section of my closet!

I'm heading to Mexico August 1-8, and Jessica will be at Outdoor Retailer August 10-13, so we agreed to start our 30 days on August 16. In the meantime, I'll be posting about my bad habits, what I want to change and I'll be learning "How to Use This Book" (as detailed in the introduction of the book) and figuring out what I need before I start.

So stick with me through this journey, let me know what you think and if you're looking to change your habits, pick up a copy yourself, follow along and try the 30 day challenge with me and Jessica.


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